What Breed is Thor and Storm?

Newfoundland, also known as Newfie's.

Why did you choose the Newfoundland breed?

We chose the Newfoundland breed for its gentle and loyal nature, intelligence, and excellent swimming abilities. Newfoundland dogs are also known for their love of children, making them an ideal family companion.

Are they pure breed?

Yes, Thor and Storm are ACK Registered. They both have a long AKC lineage. 

Where did you get them?

Thor from Ohio. Storm from New York.

What color is Storm ?

Gray. Gray is a rarer color but is recognized as the breed standard in most countries. The gray coat is highly sought after.

What color is Thor?

Thor is a very rare color, he is champagne and white.

How much did they Cost?

Thor was $4500 and Storm was $5000. Their color's made them a little more expensive then the standard (Black/Brown) Newfound.